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New York

breed Specific Legislation for New York

City Ordinance Ban/Dangerous or Vicious
Hornell Section: 135-24 Mandatory insurance: pit bulls
Larchmont Section: 97-21 Bans: pit bulls
Peekskill Section: 250-9 Pit bulls and rottweilers presumed "dangerous"
Town of LaGrange Section: 75-3 Bans: pit bulls and American bulldogs in off-leash parks
Village of Cornwall-On-Hudson Section: 69-4, 69-5 Restricts: pit bulls
Village of Hempstead Section: 57-13 Pit bulls declared "vicious"
Village of New Hyde Park Section: 80-3 Pit bulls declared "vicious"
Village of Pomona Section: 40-12, 40-13 Pit bulls declared "dangerous"
Village of Spring Valley Section: 71-14 Pit bulls declared "dangerous"
Village of Suffern Section: 122-6 Pit bulls declared "vicious"

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Disclaimer. We take multiple steps to ensure the information on this site is accurate and up to date. However, since there are so many legislation bodies it is difficult to track all instances of breed specific legislation. If we are missing something or if we have an error please let us know and will get it corrected.

Finally, information on this site is not intended to be used as legal advice. If you are facing BSL in your city, please reach out to your respect legislator or attorney.